Third grade has their music concert this week.
-Wednesday, March 29, 10:00 a.m. concert (about 1 hr.)
-Wednesday, March 29, 5:30 p.m. concert
Lunch next week
As you know we will have a different lunch vendor each day in the ES cafeteria. Hot lunches have been pre-ordered as no GoodCals cards or cash will be accepted next week for hot lunch. If you have not pre-ordered hot lunch you will need to send a packed lunch from home.
Teachers will be sent a list and accompanying stickers for students who have pre ordered and paid for the hot lunch service. Students will come to the lunchroom and those wearing stickers will be served their hot lunch.
Egypt Festival is coming soon. Click here for more information.
We will be having a drill on April 5 to practice shelter (lockdown) procedures. Teachers will discuss this as “shelter practice” with students in age-appropriate ways, but you may also want to also talk to your child about the subject. Last year, we shared this article with helpful suggestions for talking to children about safety procedures and practices. One of the things addressed is the impact of the terminology we use. Staff members will be going over this in advance, as we work together to ensure that students feel safe, protected, and aware of what to do in different situations.
The drill will be held at 11:00 am, so if you are on campus, we ask that you follow instructions when asked to go to a safe place. Everyone who is outside will be moved to the ES basement.
Lunch next week
As you know we will have a different lunch vendor each day in the ES cafeteria. Hot lunches have been pre-ordered as no GoodCals cards or cash will be accepted next week for hot lunch. If you have not pre-ordered hot lunch you will need to send a packed lunch from home.
Teachers will be sent a list and accompanying stickers for students who have pre ordered and paid for the hot lunch service. Students will come to the lunchroom and those wearing stickers will be served their hot lunch.
Egypt Festival is coming soon. Click here for more information.
This week, readers have some big work in front of them. Readers will use their knowledge of the story mountain to recognize that the end of the story is near, which signals that the main character is about to resolve their biggest problem. Readers will take note of how the character solved the problem and ask themselves, ‘What strength did this character draw on to solve this problem?’ and also, ‘How has the character changed?’ Readers will determine what the character learned by resolving the problem. Readers will then do some synthesis work to think about how all the parts fit together to make a whole story.
Last week, students started exploring the new Fairy Tale unit by tuning into both classic and adapted versions of fairy tales. In Part 1 of this unit,they will be adapting their choice between Little Red Riding Hood and Three Billy Goats Gruff. The students started learning how to adapt Fairy Tales by changing elements of the story they thought needed improving. This week, students will prepare for their drafting by rehearsing their story and acting it out step by step to create many small scenes before they write anything down. They will notice how narration is used to “stitch scenes together” and give information about characters and events that do not need a lot of detail. By the end of the week, writers will reflect on their work and get ready to create another fairy tale.
This week, mathematicians will continue to explore the connections between equivalent fractions and use various models to reason about their size. Students will begin the week by partitioning whole rectangles of the same size into different fractional units and then recognizing from these models which fractions are equivalent. Using these models, students will reason about the size of fractions and explain why 2 copies of one sixth are equivalent to one third, etc..
Our mathematicians will end the week comparing visual models of fractions with the same numerator to clearly see that the same number of parts of different fractional units will not equal the same amount. For example, students will draw two pizzas and cut one into fourths and the other into eighths. If they are to take three slices from the pizza cut into fourths, they will have quite a larger amount of pizza than if they take three slices from the pizza cut into eighths.
This week, mathematicians will continue to explore the connections between equivalent fractions and use various models to reason about their size. Students will begin the week by partitioning whole rectangles of the same size into different fractional units and then recognizing from these models which fractions are equivalent. Using these models, students will reason about the size of fractions and explain why 2 copies of one sixth are equivalent to one third, etc..

This week we will start comparing and contrasting countries and their culture. We will start by looking at Egypt and the classroom country that was researched at the start of the unit. We will be introducing graphic organizers, T-Chart and Venn Diagram, to help organize and synthesis the information.
Later in the week the students will be using their own research to compare and contrast with another groups research.
The aim being that they will realize that although countries cultures can be different, we do also have similarities too.
From the Music Department...
This week we will start comparing and contrasting countries and their culture. We will start by looking at Egypt and the classroom country that was researched at the start of the unit. We will be introducing graphic organizers, T-Chart and Venn Diagram, to help organize and synthesis the information.
Later in the week the students will be using their own research to compare and contrast with another groups research.
The aim being that they will realize that although countries cultures can be different, we do also have similarities too.
From the Music Department...
Dear parents/guardians of Second and Third Grade students,
Please, take the opportunity to enjoy some of the pieces your child has been working on during music this year and attend his/her upcoming concert. Two programs will be presented in the CAC Theater:
•Wednesday, March 29 at 10:00 a.m. Both Second and Third Grade classes will perform for students and teachers.
• Wednesday, March 29 at 5:30 p.m. Both Second and Third Grade classes will perform for family and friends. Students should be in place by 5:20 p.m.
Your child will be expected to attend both the morning and the evening concerts due to special instrument, singing, and movement assignments. Also, this is when your child’s behavior and participation are evaluated in a concert setting.
As this is a very special event, please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for the evening concert; girls can wear dresses or skirts, which are to the knee or below, and boys can wear dress slacks, dress shirt and tie, or a shirt with a collar. If possible, please try to avoid blue jeans, T-shirts with pictures/advertising, or tennis shoes. Attire for the morning concert can be more casual as students will have recess and maybe PE during the day.
The words and form of each song are available both on the ES Music Blog and as a hard copy so that your child can review and memorize the pieces. Knowing this material will help alleviate stress during the performances. Another stress reliever will be punctuality. Please ensure that your child is at the theater on time before the evening concert. You will want to arrive early as well so you can get a good seat!
If you have any questions or concerns, please send a message to
Rebecca Nerenhausen
Elementary Music Specialist
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