Grade 3 Blog
Egypt Festival is this Thursday, April 13th
Our students will have the opportunity to observe crafts people making their products. Vendors know that class visits with teachers is not the time to shop. They can shop during their recess time and/or after school (only with an adult). A suggested optional amount of 100 LE would be reasonable for the children to buy some products when they go on their own.
Swimming is starting again!
Following Spring Break, your 1 hour PE class is back in the pool. Please remember to send a swimsuit, towel and goggles with your swimmer. Swimmers with long hair are encouraged to either wear a swim cap or have a hair tie with them on their swimming day.
As a reminder each classes swimming days are:
Sunday - 3H, 1C, 2R and 4C
Monday - 5J, 3C, 1S and 4D
Tuesday (will start on May 2 because of a holiday on the April 25)- KGC, KGS and 4S
Wednesday - 3W, 5K, 2K and 4F
Thursday - 1M, 5O and 2M
Thank you!
Third grade readers will start the week by comparing and contrasting two characters from the series their book club read. To do this work students will focus on the book theme and the lessons learn across books. After reading they will ask themselves, ‘What big issues were resolved in each story?’ and ‘What big lesson did each character learn?’ At the end of the week, readers will show all they have learned about characters by choosing a series and character to write long about. Students can choose to write about character change, character traits or motivations and of course will provide evidence from the text to support their thinking.
Students will start the week by revising and editing their second Fairy Tale piece. Later in the week, students will create and write their own original fairy tale. They will start by generating a few story ideas that include a character with wants, who encounters trouble, and in the end, ta-da, there’s a resolution. Once they have narrowed their ideas to one, students will proceed through the writing process to develop their fairy tale. Their fairy tale will be completed after Spring Break. This part of the unit focuses on learning different ways to revise.
Students will start the week by revising and editing their second Fairy Tale piece. Later in the week, students will create and write their own original fairy tale. They will start by generating a few story ideas that include a character with wants, who encounters trouble, and in the end, ta-da, there’s a resolution. Once they have narrowed their ideas to one, students will proceed through the writing process to develop their fairy tale. Their fairy tale will be completed after Spring Break. This part of the unit focuses on learning different ways to revise.
Our mathematicians will start a new unit this week which focuses on geometry and measurement word problems. They will begin with solving one- and two-step word problems covering a variety of topics studied throughout the year and including all four operations.
Our mathematicians will start a new unit this week which focuses on geometry and measurement word problems. They will begin with solving one- and two-step word problems covering a variety of topics studied throughout the year and including all four operations.
Students will gain further concentrated practice applying the Read, Draw, Write process for problem solving while also reviewing the range of strategies they’ve learned to find solutions. Through small group collaboration, discussions, and presentations, our mathematicians will have the opportunity to explain to their peers how they solved problems and respond to clarifying questions from their classmates about their work. This will lead us into discussions about accuracy and efficiency in problem solving, and allow for students to analyze and reflect on their own work.
Later on in the week, students will explore attributes of two-dimensional figures and build on their background knowledge about shapes and their properties. They will investigate the attributes of polygons and quadrilaterals, and recognize the characteristics of different polygons in order to classify, describe, and compare them using mathematical vocabulary. For example, a student may describe a regular octagon as having 8 equal sides, sets of parallel sides, and no right angles.
Key vocabulary:
-polygon - plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles
-quadrilateral - a four-sided figure
-parallelogram -a four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel
-right angle - an angle of 90 degrees, the intersection of two perpendicular straight lines
-right angle - an angle of 90 degrees, the intersection of two perpendicular straight lines
This is the final week of our 'Shaping Communities' social studies unit. During the week students will be completing and presenting their final project to their class. They are presenting one cultural aspect to the class in a format of their choosing (poster, slide show, song, dance, etc) They will describe the cultural aspect and why it is important to their country. The research that they did will help them to do this.

This is the final week of our 'Shaping Communities' social studies unit. During the week students will be completing and presenting their final project to their class. They are presenting one cultural aspect to the class in a format of their choosing (poster, slide show, song, dance, etc) They will describe the cultural aspect and why it is important to their country. The research that they did will help them to do this.

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