Sunday, August 27, 2017

Week of August 27th, 2017 18

Reminders for the Week

Student Leadership Opportunity
Students who are in grades 2 through 5 have an opportunity to apply for ES Student Leadership.  This is a great way for them to show their leadership skills and support the community.  If you feel that your child would be interested in applying please read this Letter and have them fill out the Application and return it to their teacher by Thursday, September 7th. 



Students, faculty & staff are invited to draw, paint, sew, or image their self portrait on a banner provided by school. Our self portrait banners will be displayed around our division to celebrate each of us and our school community.

We look forward to seeing your creative designs! Please be sure to put your name on your banner and enjoy working on these at home. We ask that the banners are submitted to your class teacher by Tuesday, September 5.

If you have any questions please ask your class teacher.

Best regards
Mrs. Jackson-Jin
Elementary Principal


As we continue our journey Building a Reading Life, students will brainstorm and discover ways and systems for finding good books right here in the classroom and at school. They will begin sharing about their reading experiences with partners and will learn to make recommendations so they expand their reading choices. Most importantly, however, they will work on developing their ability to self-monitor and give themselves a comprehension check, and make sure that they understand what they read. 


This week in Writing, students continue to generate story ideas by thinking about places that are also important to them. They will draw on all of the strategies they have learned previously to develop story ideas. Students will learn to use their storytelling voice rather than their “news reporter voice” to add detail to their writing. Using the “movie” they have in their mind, they will use action and dialogue to tell the story, bit by bit.  They will also review their current writing, to set goals for themselves over the next several weeks.

Students will continue to examine how multiplication and division are related as they use a variety of strategies to solve both types of problems. They will continue to use arrays to find the unknown number in multiplication and division problems. They will also continue to build their fluency in solving problems by practicing skip-counting, and using related facts. New this week, students will be introduced to the commutative property of multiplication. They will rotate arrays to understand that the same multiplied factors lead to the same product regardless of place, yet depict different realities.

2 X 3 = 6 3 X 2 = 6
2 groups of 3 OO 3 groups of 2

You can continue to support your student's learning by reviewing their problem sets, setting aside time for your student to complete their math homework.


Our hands-on investigating as soil scientists continues this week as students maintain their group investigation by waiting to see how quickly the seeds they planted in the three pots germinate. The underlying reason in all our investigations is to uncover the answer to the Essential Question: “How can soil be changed so it best suits our purpose?”

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