Sunday, September 17, 2017

Week of September 17th, 2017 - 18

Reminders for the Week
Map testing this week. 
September 18  - Math

We are celebrating Peace Day on Tuesday, September 19th, in the main gym. The assembly will begin at 8:00 AM sharp.

Grade three will be having a writing celebration on Sunday, October 8th at 12:50 PM, immediately following the family picnic in your child's classroom! 

This will be an opportunity for students to share their small moment stories and decorate their beloved writing journals.

Please assist your author in collecting materials to decorate their journals, such as inspiring photos and quotes, wrapping paper, stickers and anything else that might make their journal cover really special. We encourage you to bring in plenty of materials to share. Thanks!


This week in reading, students will continue to work on building a sense of responsibility and ownership towards who they are as readers. They will learn that as texts become more challenging and complex, experienced readers do not shy away or give up. Instead, they will build stamina by taking reading heads on, with grit and resolve. Readers in the third grade will self-evaluate their level of reading grit and will set new goals for themselves. At the same time, they will discover and explore strategies that help them decode hard words and will practice using textual clues to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar ones. 


This is the week of revision in writing workshop. Students will work to revise their writing by applying everything they have already learned about revision to their current work. The will learn more ways to revise their work. One way is to include important action, dialogue and emotions in their ending to revisit the topic.  They will also learn to change their telling writing into talking with the use of dialogue. They will learn how quotation marks and commas are used to signal when characters are talking. Again, it is great to sit down with your child and enjoy an investigation of dialogue in your books at a kid-level!! 

This week we will be completing our first module in grade three math. Throughout the unit and this week, students will continue to demonstrate their understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division using different strategies in solving equations and word problems.

During our last few lessons, students will decompose the dividend in a division sentence to practice the distributive property with division. For example, students might decompose, or break apart, 28 ÷ 4 into more familiar equations, such as (20 ÷ 4) + (8 ÷ 4), to more easily solve the problem. Using this strategy they could find that 28 ÷ 4 = (20 ÷ 4) + (8 ÷ 4) = 5 + 2 = 7.

They will also apply the tools, strategies, and concepts they have learned to solve multi-step word problems. As they are demonstrating the flexibility of their thinking, they will be able to assess the reasonableness of their answers for a variety of problems.

The Module 1 Assessment will be given towards the end of the week. Students are expected to read problems carefully, draw a diagram to show their thinking, and write a clear explanation for their answer. Parents can help their child feel confident this week by looking back over the Problem Set pages of Module 1 as well as the daily homework pages. The Module 1 Assessment is based on work they’ve done throughout the unit, so problems should feel familiar. 

Key vocabulary:
decompose - separate into simpler parts
dividend - a number to be divided by another number
distributive property - to multiply a sum (or difference) by a factor, each summand is multiplied by this factor and the resulting products are added (or subtracted). For example, 7 x 2 = (5 x 2) + (2 x 2) = 10 + 14 = 24. See above for an example of how the distributive property works with division.


This week, soil scientist will continue to monitor their experiments by making observations and recording data. Students will conduct an experiment to understand water absorption and soil. Through this investigation they will look at which soil ingredient retains water and which on lets water pass through. This will help them decide the soil composition for the groups final pot which will also be completed this week. 

Guidance News: Digital Safety Update

This week students will learn how to manage online privacy in order to protect their personal information. They will learn what kind of information is considered personal and why it is important to protect it.  Students will learn a simple way to remember personal information that should not be shared online without talking to your parent or other trusted adult. This is called Y.A.P.P.Y =  personal information unique to YOU that should not be “yapped” about online. 
It stands for:

Y – Your full name
A – Address
P- Passwords
P- Phone Number
Y – Your Plans

Students will bring home a copy of Y.A.P.P.Y to be posted on the refrigerator as a reminder of the personal information that should not be shared online without first talking to a parent or other trusted adult.  

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