Reminders for the Week
Positive Parenting workshop for Monday is now CANCELLED.
Planning For End of the Year Celebration
As we are planning for the last day of school which includes a house event, winter parties and culminating in a winter assembly at the end of the day, we hope you will all be here to join in the fun! If you can’t, we would appreciate knowing if you are planning to take your child/ren away at an earlier date. Please inform your classroom teacher.
-Please note that Tuesday, Dec. 19, will be a Thursday schedule.
Elementary Service Learning
Book Fair
This year's Christmas Book Fair begins on Sunday December 10th in the Middle School Back Courtyard! Your child will be passing by the book fair with their class between Sunday the 10th and Thursday the 14th - the schedule will be available. If you would like your child to shop during this time, please send cash (suggested: 300 LE) with them. Otherwise, the fair will stay open Sunday-Thursday after school from 3-5 so you can accompany your child or purchase for yourself. The book fair will feature 5 local book vendors with English and Arabic books for all age groups. Keep an eye out for posters about our after school book signing events ('Happy Belly' author Yasmine Nazmy on Wednesday!!) On Thursday the 14th, a Mini Christmas Bazaar will open up alongside the book fair and the Booster Club will join us with hot chili from the snack restaurant and CAC gear on Sale!
3C- Wednesday
3D- Tuesday
3H - Tuesday
3W - Wednesday
This week, third grade readers will continue to explore a variety of true stories. They will recognize that most narrative nonfiction stories are either tales of achievement or tales of disaster and will work to identify their specific patterns and reasons for being written. Uncovering these reasons will take their understanding to a different level. Readers will ask and ponder ‘Why was this story worth telling? Why should it never be forgotten?’ What lesson does it impart? What does it serve as an example of?’ At the same time, continuing to study the choices a subject makes during crucial times will help determine the greater theme.

As Persuasive writers are are adding the finishing touches to their second piece, they will reflect on the goals they have set for themselves as writers. They will use checklists and charts to determine where they are meeting their goals and what they should work on next. At the end of the week, writers will begin a third persuasive piece, where they will change the world through the use of their words. This work will be collaborative and will also involve research to become more informed about their topic.
Rhombus - any parallelogram with equal sides, including a square
This week in Science we are reviewing what we have discovered from our investigations into sound. Third graders will explore more about vibrations and how they affect the pitch. They will look at and make a 'Rubber Band Guitar' - We will notice the thicker rubber band has a lower pitch. As the thickness of a vibrating material increases, the rate of vibration decreases, and the pitch also decreases. Likewise, as the thickness of the vibrating material decreases, the pitch becomes higher.
Positive Parenting workshop for Monday is now CANCELLED.
Planning For End of the Year Celebration
As we are planning for the last day of school which includes a house event, winter parties and culminating in a winter assembly at the end of the day, we hope you will all be here to join in the fun! If you can’t, we would appreciate knowing if you are planning to take your child/ren away at an earlier date. Please inform your classroom teacher.
-Please note that Tuesday, Dec. 19, will be a Thursday schedule.
Elementary Service Learning
As a part of the Service Learning Office activities for the Elementary school and with the cooperation of the Students Council team, we will start a Warm Clothing Drive and Toy Drive to be donated to Stabl Antar Dreams School. The collection of the donations will begin on Wednesday, December 6th, 2017. Elementary school students will have boxes for donations in their classrooms. Middle and High school students will be able to donate in the boxes at Eagle Plaza (The front gate).
On the day of the Winter Celebration (December 21, 2017) there will be different stations to clean, fix, sort and wrap the donated items. Parents are welcomed to help with these tasks at the different stations during this day. Please check the full plan of the day here: Winter Celebration Community Service Plan. Please follow our announcements and updates on the CACN, Newsletters and Tuesday's morning assemblies. Thank you for your continued support of CAC and helping others stay warm this winter.
Book Fair
This year's Christmas Book Fair begins on Sunday December 10th in the Middle School Back Courtyard! Your child will be passing by the book fair with their class between Sunday the 10th and Thursday the 14th - the schedule will be available. If you would like your child to shop during this time, please send cash (suggested: 300 LE) with them. Otherwise, the fair will stay open Sunday-Thursday after school from 3-5 so you can accompany your child or purchase for yourself. The book fair will feature 5 local book vendors with English and Arabic books for all age groups. Keep an eye out for posters about our after school book signing events ('Happy Belly' author Yasmine Nazmy on Wednesday!!) On Thursday the 14th, a Mini Christmas Bazaar will open up alongside the book fair and the Booster Club will join us with hot chili from the snack restaurant and CAC gear on Sale!
3C- Wednesday
3D- Tuesday
3H - Tuesday
3W - Wednesday
This week, third grade readers will continue to explore a variety of true stories. They will recognize that most narrative nonfiction stories are either tales of achievement or tales of disaster and will work to identify their specific patterns and reasons for being written. Uncovering these reasons will take their understanding to a different level. Readers will ask and ponder ‘Why was this story worth telling? Why should it never be forgotten?’ What lesson does it impart? What does it serve as an example of?’ At the same time, continuing to study the choices a subject makes during crucial times will help determine the greater theme.

As Persuasive writers are are adding the finishing touches to their second piece, they will reflect on the goals they have set for themselves as writers. They will use checklists and charts to determine where they are meeting their goals and what they should work on next. At the end of the week, writers will begin a third persuasive piece, where they will change the world through the use of their words. This work will be collaborative and will also involve research to become more informed about their topic.
This week our third grade mathematicians will start our next Eureka Math Module focusing on understanding area and relating area to multiplication and addition.
The week will begin with a hands on exploration of area as an attribute of plane shapes. Students will use pattern tiles to cover up different shapes and compare the amount of tiles used to build a pictorial, concrete understanding of area. Using this knowledge, students will continue throughout the week to compose and decompose shapes to compare areas and move towards using unit squares to describe the area of arrays. By the end of the week, students will relate the side lengths of arrays to the number of tiles and begin to compose multiplication equations to solve for the area of an array.
Key terms include:
Area - the amount of two dimensional space inside a bounded region
Area model - a model for multiplication that relates rectangular arrays to area
Square unit - a unit of area (could be square centimeters, inches, feet, meters)
Tiling - to cover a region without gaps or overlaps
Polygon - a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles
Quadrilateral - a four-sided figure
Trapezoid - a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides
Rhombus - any parallelogram with equal sides, including a square
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