Reminders for the Week
From the library
This week in our Non-Fiction writing unit we are looking at 'Putting Oneself in Readers’ Shoes to Clear Up Confusion'. Writers will be reading their work to make sure it makes sense to the reader.
We will also be using text features to makes it easier for readers to learn. Including subtitles, pictures, captions, diagrams, etc.
Non-Fiction books need to be factual so our third grade writer will have time to fact check through rapid research.
Finally this week will will re-visit the powerful punctuation that is Paragraphs. Why are they important? What do they add to the writing?
Third grade mathematicians will spend this week reviewing strategies learned in module 5 related to placing fractions on the number line and reviewing their end of module assessments to identify their strengths and areas to improve. Students are encouraged to continue practicing their math facts and review their math work from the unit to determine what strategies they want to gain more practice with.
This week we continue to compare the countries that we have researched to others. Looking at the similarities and differences that they have between cultures. The understanding that will be drawn from the discussion is that all cultures are connected in some way.
Later this week we will introduce the final part of the assessment, where individual students choose one cultural aspect from their researched country to share with the class. They can choose from Important Historical events, Folktales/Myths/Legends, Art/Music/Dance, and Games/leisure activities. The product they present could be;
Grades 2-3 Music Concert is on Wednesday, March 28, 5:30 p.m.
From the library
Mark your calendars! The annual ES Book Parade Assembly is on April 10, the day we get back from the April break. This year, the ES Library Council has declared the theme to be GRAPHIC NOVELS! Stay tuned for more details.
This week, third grade readers will continue exploring different topics of interest. One main thing they will learn is that the author’s perspective on a topic adds on, making the text more than a collection of facts. They will learn that, when reading informational texts, skilled readers talk back to the author’s ideas about a topic just like they might talk back to a character’s ideas about something. Sometimes a reader says, "I see what you are saying, but I see things differently.” Using clues from the text, such as language and pictures, nonfiction readers will practice identifying the author’s perspective and will reflect on where they stand, whether they see things differently or not.

We will also be using text features to makes it easier for readers to learn. Including subtitles, pictures, captions, diagrams, etc.
Non-Fiction books need to be factual so our third grade writer will have time to fact check through rapid research.
Finally this week will will re-visit the powerful punctuation that is Paragraphs. Why are they important? What do they add to the writing?
Third grade mathematicians will spend this week reviewing strategies learned in module 5 related to placing fractions on the number line and reviewing their end of module assessments to identify their strengths and areas to improve. Students are encouraged to continue practicing their math facts and review their math work from the unit to determine what strategies they want to gain more practice with.
This week we continue to compare the countries that we have researched to others. Looking at the similarities and differences that they have between cultures. The understanding that will be drawn from the discussion is that all cultures are connected in some way.
Later this week we will introduce the final part of the assessment, where individual students choose one cultural aspect from their researched country to share with the class. They can choose from Important Historical events, Folktales/Myths/Legends, Art/Music/Dance, and Games/leisure activities. The product they present could be;
- a demonstration and explanation of a game
- performing a dance and explaining it
- performing a song
- acting out a cultural event
- a poem
- illustrations showing a myth or folktale
They will be given time to present it to the class when we return from break.
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