Sunday, May 6, 2018

Week of May 6th, 2017-18

Reminders for the Week

ES Dismissal - Important message to ES parents
We had two students who left campus without parental permission with a nanny. We have taken steps to ensure this does not happen again and ask for your cooperation in following our handbook guidelines for all Elementary students PreK to Grade 5. Our handbook states, that any change in the usual pattern of dismissal for your child at the end of the school day should be verified by a note or email from the parent or guardian to the classroom teacher. We have added that we need to receive this information before 12 p.m. which will give us the time to make sure all necessary personnel is informed before 2:30 p.m. each day. We appreciate CAC’s security as they have increased vigilance in making sure our students go home safely and with the person/s permitted. Ms. Samah will continue to be at the dismissal gate from 3:00 and Ms. Nadia from 4:00 for our after school activity dismissal time.

How to give permission?
-Write to the classroom teacher informing the dismissal plan change.
-Name the person you are giving permission to and the date/s.
-In the case of a change in driver or nanny, full names and photos are needed.

What will happen if no permission has been given?
If we do not have a written record of a change in dismissal, security will not let the student leave campus. The student will be sent to the office. To avoid disappointment, please make sure to arrange the change in dismissal plans ahead of time.

Our student's safety is a school/home priority and we thank you for your understanding, support and welcome your feedback.

Used Book Sale, May 8 to 10

We are getting ready for our annual used book sale, this year from May 8 to 10. We welcome donations of used books for all ages in saleable condition. This is a good time for departing families to dispose of books before packing. We will soon have a donation box at the front gate.

End of year dates for students from the library
May 8-10 Used book sale
May 15 Last day for check out
May 22 Last day for classes; All books are due

May 29 Summer check out starts

This week, third grade readers will continue their series reading journey. As they learn more about their character(s) with every new book in the series, readers will work on adding on and building solid theories. They will push themselves to think deeply about a character by asking, ‘Why?’, ‘Why is the character that way?’ They will observe patterns and ask themselves, ‘Why does the character keep doing that?’ At the same time, they will realize that no character, or person, is one way, therefore they need to think of more complex ideas and grow richer theories. They might say, ‘On the one hand… but on the other hand…’ Or, ‘One side of this character is… but he can also be…’

This week in our Editorial writing unit, we look at ways to elaborate our reasons. Specifically looking at the 'Rule of Three' - Instead of simply using one description, we try to string together three using commas in between.
We will also look at word choice. Making sure that we use powerful words that evoke emotion from the reader.
We also look at how editorials from different points of view can have an impact on the relationship of the reader and the writer, and even the tone of the writing. One way editorialists alter this relationship in their favor and make the reader agree with them is the intentional use of personal pronouns, such as I, we, you, he. For example, first person is typically reserved for autobiographical writing, although using it in persuasive can tone down the authority and make the tone more informal. Using second person (you, your, yours) can set up some distance between the writer and the audience or can create an authoritative tone.

Continuing with their study of geometry and measurement, our mathematicians will begin the week constructing rectangles using unit squares and determining the perimeters given a specific area for rectangles. For example, students can construct several different rectangles with an area of 18 sq. cm and each rectangle will have a different perimeter due to their side lengths being different (e.g. 1 cm X 18 cm; 2 cm X 9 cm, etc.).

Also this week students will create line plots to show the number of rectangles that can be constructed from a particular number of unit squares. Students will work with a partner to determine the possible side lengths for rectangles when provided an area by going through the multiples for that product. This will provide our mathematicians an opportunity to review their math facts and strategies practiced during the fluency portion of our daily lessons.

Our math will wrap up this week with students constructing rectangles with a given perimeter to determine the area. They will learn a strategy for determining possible side lengths of rectangles using an equation P = 2 x (length + width), which will involve students calculating what half of the perimeter is and from there determining the two side lengths that can add together to equal half of the perimeter. For example, if the perimeter is 22 cm, half of the perimeter is equal to 11 cm, which means that 9 cm and 2 cm could be possible side lengths (P = 9 cm + 9 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm). The area for a rectangle with these side lengths would be 9 cm x 2 cm = 18 sq. cm. 

Third grade scientists are diving into observations and data collection this week.  Each group will spend 15 minutes twice a day (Morning and afternoon), three times a week to observe and collect information about their habitat. 

As well as the observations we will look at 'food chains' and 'food webs' and how everything needs energy to survive. We will learn that the energy moves through the 'food chain' and 'food web’.

Through this process students will learn that plants are called 'Producers' and they get their food from the sun, water, and soil. Animals are called Consumers as they directly or indirectly depend on plants for energy. Consumers can be broken down into HerbivoresCarnivores and Omnivores.

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