Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week of January 21st, 2017 -18

Reminders for the Week

Spelling Bee try outs are next week. Third grade try outs are Tuesday, January 30th at recess. 


Last week, students started Character Studies, a new reading unit focused on character development. This week, third grade readers will continue to learn more about their characters and get to know them better by using inference and prediction. They will find out that their initial theories about a character are usually only the tip of much deeper thinking. Once they observe how a character talks and acts, notice patterns and study what it means, readers can dig deeper to ask, “Why is a character this way?” Trying to answer the question will lead to bigger theories, which in turn can be used to make predictions about actions and plot.


Last week, students started exploring the new Fairy Tale unit by tuning into both classic and adapted versions of fairy tales. In Part 1 of this unit, they will be adapting their choice between Little Red Riding Hood and Three Billy Goats Gruff. The students started learning how to adapt Fairy Tales by changing elements of the story they thought needed improving. This week, students will prepare for their drafting by rehearsing their story and acting it out step by step to create many small scenes before they write anything down. They will notice how narration is used to “stitch scenes together” and give information about characters and events that do not need a lot of detail. By the end of the week, writers will reflect on their work and get ready to create another fairy tale.


This week our mathematicians will continue to apply their background knowledge of the properties of multiplication to find the area of rectangles. 

Using the distributive property, which they learned about and applied in Modules 1 and 3, students will determine the missing side length of a rectangle that may, for example, have an area of 48 square units. They might decompose the area into a 6 by 5 rectangle and a 6 by 3 rectangle. The sum of the side lengths, 5 + 3, gives them the complete length of the missing side.

They will also use a given number of square units to determine all possible whole number side lengths of rectangles with that area. Areas of 24, 36, 48, and 72 square units are chosen to reinforce multiplication facts that are often more difficult. Through this, students begin to realize that different factors give the same product. For example, they will see that rectangles with side lengths of 4 by 12, 6 by 8, 1 by 48, and 2 by 24 all have an area of 48 square units. They will use this and their understanding of the commutative property to recognize that area models can be rotated similar to the arrays from Modules 1 and 3.


This week we continue working on our Light and Sound group project. Developing the script and experimenting and developing resources to use to make the light and sound effects. Our first lesson this week we look at refraction, through 3 investigations. Firstly, the disappearing coin investigation, the bending pencil and turning arrow experiment. All three of these investigation display how light refracts or bends when moving through some mediums. i.e. water and oil.

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