Thursday, April 19, 2018

Week of April 22nd, 2017 -18

Reminders for the Week
ES Dismissal - Important message to ES parents
We had two students who left campus without parental permission with a nanny. We have taken steps to ensure this does not happen again and ask for your cooperation in following our handbook guidelines for all Elementary students PreK to Grade 5. Our handbook states, that any change in the usual pattern of dismissal for your child at the end of the school day should be verified by a note or email from the parent or guardian to the classroom teacher. We have added that we need to receive this information before 12 p.m. which will give us the time to make sure all necessary personnel is informed before 2:30 p.m. each day. We appreciate CAC’s security as they have increased vigilance in making sure our students go home safely and with the person/s permitted. Ms. Samah will continue to be at the dismissal gate from 3:00 and Ms. Nadia from 4:00 for our after school activity dismissal time.

How to give permission?
-Write to the classroom teacher informing the dismissal plan change.
-Name the person you are giving permission to and the date/s.
-In the case of a change in driver or nanny, full names and photos are needed.

What will happen if no permission has been given?
If we do not have a written record of a change in dismissal, security will not let the student leave campus. The student will be sent to the office. To avoid disappointment, please make sure to arrange the change in dismissal plans ahead of time.

Our student's safety is a school/home priority and we thank you for your understanding, support and welcome your feedback.

Talent Show Updates:
Our ES Talent Show date has been moved to April 30th. We are supporting our wonderful PTO with this change of date. Thank you all for your flexibility.

Please find below important dates and information regarding this year’s ES Talent Show:

April 15th and 16th Acts will perform for the ES Talent Show team. They will come during their lunch/recess time to the Drama Room. Any Act that is not performance-ready will not participate in this year’s Talent Show.

Sunday, April 29th is the mandatory rehearsal in the CAC Theatre from 3:15 - 5:15. All students must have a way to go home; the late bus service is not available. Students will be dismissed from the CAC Theatre at 5:15.

All Choir students will attend the Choir rehearsal on Sunday, April 29th, then come directly to the CAC Theatre for the remainder of the rehearsal.

The Talent Show will be for ALL ACTS beginning at 5:30 - 7:30 on April 30th. The Show will end by 8pm. ALL ACTS must come to the Theatre at 5pm, performance ready.

ES Talent Show
April 30th, 2018
Tickets - 30LE per seat

Performances: 5:30-6:15
Intermission: 6:15-6:30
Performances: 6:30-7:15
Show ends 7:30pm.

Thank you for your continued support. Please contact Ms. Dolly for any further clarifications or questions.

The Talent Show Team 

MAP Testing Schedule
Thursday, May 3rd - Math
Monday, May 7th - Reading
Wednesday, May 9th - Language

On Sunday, April 29th/18 students in KG - Grade 5 will begin swimming in PE in their 1 hour lesson, each week, for the remainder of the school year. Could you please ensure that your child is fully prepared for swimming by making sure that they come to school with the following:
PE uniform - Swimming

For swimming each child should have, in a separate swim bag:
  • An appropriate swimsuit
  • OWN pair of properly fitted goggled (not shared with siblings)
  • Suitably sized towel
  • Long hair tied back off the face or a swim cap (girls and boys)
  • No jewelry, including rubber and string bands and watches
  • Easy to take on and off clothes and shoes (crocs are ideal)
As a reminder each classes swimming days are:
Sunday - 5J, 3H, 1C and 2R
Monday - 5G, 3C, 1S and 4D
Tuesday - KGC, KGB and 4M
Wednesday - 3W, 5K, 2K and 4F
Thursday - 1M, 5O, KGS, 3D and 2S

Students will need to wear their full PE uniform in all 30 minute classes for the remainder of the year, including shorts, t-shirt, and sneakers.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your support,

Mr. Phil Greene -
Mr. Mark Mayfield -

Guidance Update: Managing Strong Emotions

In the current guidance unit, Managing Strong Emotions, students are taught proactive strategies to help prevent strong feelings from turning into negative behaviors. Students will learn to:

  1. Recognize how strong feelings affect their brains and bodies by:
  • Focusing attention on their bodies for clues about how their feeling
  • Understanding that when they feel strong feelings, the feeling part of their brain, the amygdala, reacts, making it hard to think clearly.
  • Recognizing that thinking about their feelings helps the thinking part of their brain, the cortex, get back in control.
  •  2. Manage strong feelings by using the following Calming-Down Steps:
1. Stop – use your signal
2. Name your feeling
3. Calm down (breathe, count, use positive self-talk or stress balls, etc.)

Home-School Connection:

  • Ask your child about his or her personal stop signal and how he or she plans to use it in order to STOP negative thoughts and calm down emotions in the amygdala. ☺

  • Watch the following calm down song your child learned in class:

Used Book Sale, May 8 to 10
We are getting ready for our annual used book sale, this year from May 8 to 10. We welcome donations of used books for all ages in saleable condition. This is a good time for departing families to dispose of books before packing. We will soon have a donation box at the front gate.

End of year dates for students from the library
May 8-10 Used book sale
May 15 Last day for check out
May 22 Last day for classes; All books are due

May 29 Summer check out starts

This week, third grade readers will focus on character analysis. Readers will be reminded to study characters by noticing their actions and how they talk. They will also notice how characters interact with each other and what types of relationships they have. At the same time, they will also pay attention to the challenges a character is facing and how he/she acts and reacts to these challenges. Readers will use these observations to grow theories about characters and to determine what kind of person the character is.

This Sunday we have our last 'On Demand' writing sample. Students have had time to think of a topic and write some notes to help them show all they know about writing a persuasive writing piece.
Later this week we start our last writing unit. We look at a specific type of persuasive writing, Editorials.
We start by exploring and comparing different pieces of editorial writing. As we read we ask, “What do you notice that is different from other types of writing? What do the authors include that is the same or different? We will look at major difference between editorials and other persuasive writing. Specifically that editorials argue for an opinion that belongs to a whole group, rather than just one individual.
We will start planning to write an editorial and think about what is really important to me AND my community.


Continuing with our study of geometry, third grade mathematicians will start the week decomposing quadrilaterals to understand perimeter as the boundary of a shape. As they move through the week’s lessons, students will measure side lengths using whole units and write addition equations to calculate the perimeter of various polygons. From this, students will use their knowledge of the attributes of polygons to determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when some measurements are unknown. For example, students will calculate the total perimeter of a rectangle when provided with 2 perpendicular side lengths, understanding that the opposite side lengths are equal to the ones provided. 


This week in Science we continue to investigate the words; Habitat, Ecosystem, Biodiversity, Community through the short video clip below to help students answer the question, "How do plants and animals act with and within their environment?"

We will play a short game called 'Oh Deer', which illustrates the needs for each animal's survival. We discuss that organisms need food, water and shelter to survive and what can occur when an animal's needs are not being met

Later this week students will be introduced to the group project for the unit. Students will use their existing knowledge from past science units, to plan an investigation that will help them research and answer a question of their making relating to the units essential question. 

Students will make a simple plan to collect data about animal interaction with their environment and how living and non-living things can be interdependent. 

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