Third Grade News
Student Led Conferences
We are excited for your children to share their learning this week.Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the time.
- Express positive interest and anticipation about the upcoming conference.
- Be on time.
- Listen and respond to the student (not the teacher).
- Express pride in growth and progress.
- Ask questions (see below for samples).
- Be positive, offering to help in areas where improvement is needed.
- Recognize that students need to develop independence in communicating progress – the teacher will be there to facilitate and answer specific questions but will not take charge of the conference.
- Can you explain this to me?
- How did you come up with this idea?
- How have you grown in this area?
- How can you improve in this area?
- How can we help you at home?
- What was important to you about this?
- If you could do this work over again, how would you change it?
- What future goals do you have as a student?
Reminders For the Week
To see your child's attendance > Please click Here
To make a Lost & Found report > please click Here
- May 22 - Last week of checkout for students
- May 29 - Overdrive training session for parents. Learn to access our ebooks! 2 to 3 pm, MHS library
- May 29 - All library materials due back in the ES library & last day of library classes
- June 3 - Summer checkout starts
Parents, please note that any student with overdue materials by June 6 will not receive his/her report card and the report will remain blocked until the library account is cleared. That also applies to students whose parents have overdue items.

Middle School Play
FAIRY TALE CRIMES are being COMMITTED! Only the brave members of the LAW & ORDER FAIRY TALE UNIT can save the day. Come see this hilarious MS PLAY happening on Thursday, May 25th at 7:00pm and Friday, May 26th at 2:00pm.
This play is 60 mins long. Tickets are 20 LE. Suitable for all ages!
At the end of the week, students will be introduced to a different type of narrative non-fiction. These are true stories about something that happened in history or it could be even something that happened recently. This time the “subject” could be a historical event, a group of people, or a river or even a country. In this type of narrative nonfiction, the subject is not always easy to identify but they will figure out, so we ask ourselves ‘who’ or ‘what’ the story was mainly about. As in other writing, readers of narrative non-fiction look for pattern and reasons why the story is being written.

As students continue their independent writing project this week, they will work on elaborating their ideas by adding details and and facts to their writing. They will also work on editing to show the reader how they want their piece to be read. Writers will remember that ending marks show the reader the expression they should use as they read. They will also learn that they can control the rhythm of how their writing is read, by using commas to slow down the pace of the text.

As students continue their independent writing project this week, they will work on elaborating their ideas by adding details and and facts to their writing. They will also work on editing to show the reader how they want their piece to be read. Writers will remember that ending marks show the reader the expression they should use as they read. They will also learn that they can control the rhythm of how their writing is read, by using commas to slow down the pace of the text.
This week our mathematicians will apply their knowledge of shape attributes and measurement to solve word problems involving area and perimeter using all four operations. Throughout the entire week, students will apply a variety of problem solving strategies to one and two-step word problems and follow steps to successfully determine solutions. They will be expected to use the Three-Step Approach to Solving:
1. Read and model the problem
2. Write an equation, calculate to solve, and write a statement
3. Assess the solution for reasonableness
This continued practice with solving word problems will help prepare our mathematicians for the end of module assessment, which they will take the following week.
This week in science students and looking at their data they collected and trying to answer their groups question.
After students collect data they need to synthesize by making tables, graphs, photos to draw conclusions about the interaction in the habitat before presenting to class.
They will decide how they want to present their findings in a variety of ways. They will reflect on whether they answered the question or not.

This week in science students and looking at their data they collected and trying to answer their groups question.
After students collect data they need to synthesize by making tables, graphs, photos to draw conclusions about the interaction in the habitat before presenting to class.
They will decide how they want to present their findings in a variety of ways. They will reflect on whether they answered the question or not.

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