Big Splash this Tuesday. Everyone will sitting near the splash zone is bound to get wet so bring a change of clothing.
Looking for school books!
The end of the year in drawing near, please start looking for classroom and library books to return to the classrooms. Please return these before the end of the school year!
End-of-Year Celebrations: More information will be shared by grade-level blog posts and room parents about end-of-year parties and activities, but we will continue our tradition of grade levels having a celebration day during our last week of school. During the day, they will rotate through Maker Space activities, Commando Water fun in the pool, a movie, and a grade-level party at lunch time.
We are sensitive to the fact that Ramadan begins on May 27. If any students will be fasting, please have them tell their teacher, so we can make arrangements for a space with activities but no food during the lunch times.
- June 4 - We will have a whole school farewell for the 5th graders from 7:55-8:15. Grade 5 will have their celebration at the Marriott. Grades 1 and 3 will have their celebration day at school. Food has already been paid by parents (2 slices pizza, juice box, popcorn and cupcake).
- PreK, KG, Grade 2 and Grade 4 will be in their homerooms, and will need to bring a packed lunch from home to eat on the front lawn. The cafeteria will not be available during lunch time.
- June 5 - PreK, KG, Grades 2 and 4 will have their celebration day. Food has already been paid by parents (2 slices pizza, juice box, popcorn and cupcake).
- Grades 1, 3 & 5 will be in their homerooms and will need to bring a picnic lunch from home. The cafeteria will not be available during lunch time.
- June 6 - Whole school end-of-year assembly 10:30am.
Important Dates
- May 25 After school activities ends.
- May 29 Online reading options session for parents, 2 to 3 pm, MHS library
- Last hot lunch will be Thursday 1st June.
- June 3 summer check out begins
- June 4. Grade 5 Moving on ceremony.
- June 6 last day of school - students dismissed 11:30am
No hot lunch last week of school. Last day for hot lunch is June 1st.
Please arrange a packed lunch from home on the days required (see message above).
Attendance > Please click Here
Lost & Found > please click Here
This week wraps up our reading unit on biographies. Students will review what they have learned about stories of personal achievement. They will identify that most biographies follow a predictable pattern where the subject faces a challenge, takes risks and makes critical choices to overcome this challenge. They will realize that biographies often provide a lesson about perseverance. Students will write about a subject, explaining why the subjects life is important and what they have learned from that person.
This is our last full week of writing and our last week of the Independent Writing Project. As part of their independent writing project, students are learning to identify a small moment. A small moment is just one moment of a larger event. Within that small moment, there is a part that the writer considers to be the heart of the story and is usually a big reason why they are writing the story. Third grade writers will tell their story bit by bit to include the actions, thoughts, and feelings of the main character. At the end of the week, students will gather together to celebrate what they have accomplished as independent writers.
This is our last full week of writing and our last week of the Independent Writing Project. As part of their independent writing project, students are learning to identify a small moment. A small moment is just one moment of a larger event. Within that small moment, there is a part that the writer considers to be the heart of the story and is usually a big reason why they are writing the story. Third grade writers will tell their story bit by bit to include the actions, thoughts, and feelings of the main character. At the end of the week, students will gather together to celebrate what they have accomplished as independent writers.
In our final full week of school, the third grade mathematicians will review concepts learned and strategies practiced throughout the module and complete their end of module assessment.
They will start the week sharing and critiquing various problem solving strategies and evaluate each other’s math work for accuracy and efficiency. We will go through word problems together as a class and examine different ways students could come to a solution. This will continue to support students in understanding that there are many routes one can take to find the solution when problem solving.
We encourage students to review their module 7 problem sets and homework prior to the end of module assessment and, as always, to read questions carefully, review their work for accuracy and completeness, and to check their solutions for reasonableness.

As we start our last week of Science, students are bringing together their data, answering their question and creating a presentation to share with the class.
They are able to present their findings to the class with a short presentation that includes relevant pictures, graphs, tables and diagrams.
If they haven't been able to answer their question they will look at why and what they could do differently. What do they need to change; their question? method of recording data? etc
Hopefully through their investigation they will have a deeper understanding of our essential questions.
Habitat Essential questions;
How do plants and animals interact with and within their environment?
How are living and non-living things interdependent?

As we start our last week of Science, students are bringing together their data, answering their question and creating a presentation to share with the class.
They are able to present their findings to the class with a short presentation that includes relevant pictures, graphs, tables and diagrams.
If they haven't been able to answer their question they will look at why and what they could do differently. What do they need to change; their question? method of recording data? etc
Hopefully through their investigation they will have a deeper understanding of our essential questions.
Habitat Essential questions;
How do plants and animals interact with and within their environment?
How are living and non-living things interdependent?
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