Reminders for the Week
As we approach the end of our Mystery unit, readers in the third grade will learn that mysteries teach readers many valuable lessons. They will learn that whenever we solve a mystery, we learn something new about human nature and that negative motives are often found and punished. To deepen their reading understanding, third grade readers will reflect on their reading in writing. They will write long about the characters in their stories and will use interpreting strategies to analyze the type of persons their characters are. We will end the unit with a reading celebration where students will have the opportunity to reflect on what kind of detectives they are.
This week, 3rd Graders are starting a new unit on persuasive writing and speeches. Third Grade students are perfectly primed for this unit, as they often like to share their thoughts and opinions. At the beginning of the unit, we will look for writing ideas - changes we would like to see happen whether they are in our local community or more global causes. Third grade writers will support their ideas with thoughtful reasoning and evidence. As writers, they will learn to tailor their opinions and evidence to a particular audience. They will put together all of these skills to push themselves to improve as opinion piece writers.
This week during Science each group will collate their data that they collected and produce graphs that they think best displays their findings. They will examine that information and draw a conclusion about what soil composition is best for growing grass and herbs.
They will then create a poster that contains their graphs and a diagram showing their ideal soil composition. They will then write an explanation as to why they think their soil composition is the best. ill make sure they use specific vocabulary to justify their thinking.

We will begin Module 3 this week which builds upon our mathematicians work with multiplication and division throughout Module 1. Module 3 extends the study of factors to include all units from 0 to 10, as well as multiples of 10 within 100. The introduction of new factors in this module spreads across topics and the factors are sequenced to facilitate systematic instruction with increasingly sophisticated strategies and patterns. This provides students with the opportunity to build fluency with facts involving a particular unit before moving on.
By revisiting the commutative property at the beginning of the week, students review familiar facts from Module 1 to identify known facts using units of 6, 7, 8, and 9. They will discover that they already know more than half of their facts by recognizing, for example, that if they know 2 × 8, they also know 8 × 2 through commutativity. This begins a study of arithmetic patterns that becomes an increasingly prominent focus in the module. Students will apply the commutative property to relate 5 × 8 and 8 × 5, and then add one more group of 8 to solve 6 × 8 and, by extension, 8 × 6.
This week mathematicians will also be introduced to the concept of using a letter to represent the unknown in various positions in an equation, replacing the question mark symbol they’ve previously been accustomed to. By the end of the week, students will be counting by units of 6 and 7 to multiply and divide using number bonds to decompose.
Third Grade Social Scientist continue to work on their slide presentation to compare two countries through studying different maps. Once they complete their slide show they will be given the opportunity to create a Screencast. This is where they record their interpretation of the maps as they go through each slide. Remembering our essential question, How does WHERE you live affect HOW you live?, they will write brief notes to help them with their screencast.
They will then create a poster that contains their graphs and a diagram showing their ideal soil composition. They will then write an explanation as to why they think their soil composition is the best. ill make sure they use specific vocabulary to justify their thinking.
Kid’s Day Parent Volunteers Needed
This year's Kids' Day will be held on Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017 from 8:00am to 11:30am. Students will then be dismissed at 11:30am for a long Thanksgiving weekend. This is a half day for CAC and Pre K-5 will be participating at the same time. For new parents to the school Kids’ Day is a fun-filled day in which they can show off their house spirit, participate in a wide variety of physical activities, and enjoy each other! The Elementary PE Department needs parent volunteers to help with the games and activities. You will be partnered up with an Elementary Teacher and teacher aide to help run an activity. If you could volunteer on that day, please fill in the (google form) by Thursday November 16th at the latest. Mr. Greene will contact you via e-mail with your assignment by Monday November 20th. Please mark your calendars with the date and time NOW!
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